Thursday, February 6, 2020

Using Third party Tools to create Chatbot in PeopleSoft Part 2

Now that Dialogflow setup is complete which will act as your NLP, it is time to write your Django application which will act as a webook from dialogflow.

It is super simple to create your first Hello World! app, visit and try creating a sample app, once you get familiar with Djangoyou are ready to go, below is an example of view I created in Django application which will provide webservice.

This screenshot is from my file in Django Application. Below code is basically a providing a webhook/fulfillment response to  Dialogflow NLP (Refer to part 1 step 7)

Once you write your django app, you will need to run it on your local webserver port 8000 using following command from command prompt...python runserver, your app should run now with out errors

Now its time to use NGROK to expose your webserver to internet, use this only for development for production you need to create a secure webserver

ngrok http yourport will expose your local webserver to internet

Copy forwarding https url and paste it in your dialogflow application, your Django application is now ready to receive web-service requests.

Since we are using Django now as a webhook not PeopelSoft rest service, sky is the limit to integrate your chatbot to any third party applications to fulfill user chat requests

In part 3 I will show a working prototype of Kommunicate chat

Using Third party Tools to create Chatbot in PeopleSoft Part 3

This is final post to demo the working chatbot in PeopleSoft. Kommunicate supplies you with HTML code to add their chat badge on your Peo...